Book: Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
Song: Monster Stomp
If you want to be a monster, now’s your chance, 'cause everybody’s doing the monster dance. You just stomp your feet, wave your arms around. Stretch ‘em up, stretch ‘em up, then put them on the ground. ‘Cause you’re doing the monster stomp! That’s right, you’re doing the monster stomp!
Activity: Monster dress up and wild rumpus dance
Craft (targets Fine Motor Skills): Make a crown for the King of the Wild Things
For Further
Go Away, Big Green Monster by Michael Emberley (E) No Such Thing by Jackie Koller (E) Billy Monster’s Daymare by Alan Durant (E) Go to Bed, Monster! by Natasha Wing (E) Jeremy Draws a Monster by Peter McCarty (E) Monster Stew by Mitra Modarressi (E)
Try at Home:
- Design your own monster paper plate mask.
- Look at the wild things carefully. They are all so different. Some of them have horns or claws. Others have hair or feathers, toe nails or bird beaks. Draw yourself as a "Wild Thing."
- Max tames the Wild Things by staring into their yellow eyes without blinking. Get a clock or a watch and time how long you can go without blinking.