Flannelboard: Make a turkey
"The turkey is a funny bird (flap arms like wings). His head goes wobble wobble (roll head in circles). And all he knows is just one word (hold up one finger), 'Gobble, gobble, gobble! (hold hands at mouth like a beak and open/close with each gobble)"
Activity: Play Duck,
Activity: What are you thankful for? Add it to the Thankful tree
Craft (targets Fine Motor Skills): Make a turkey centerpiece for your Thanksgiving table.
For Further
I Am the
One Tough
Try at Home:
- Take a walk and gather fall leaves. Cut out two circles from grocery bag about 5 or 6 inches across. On the head glue eyes beak and waddle cut from construction paper. Glue the leaves to the outer edges of one of the circle with most of the leaf sticking out over the edge. Glue the other circle on top. Add two legs from construction paper.