Theme: Snowmen
Book: Snowmen at Night by Caralyn Buehner
Flannelboard: 5 Little Snowmen (to the tune of 5 Little Monkeys)
5 little snowmen riding on a sled (5 fingers sit on other hand which is out flat, palm down)
One fell off and bumped his head (pretend 1 finger falls off, rub head)
Mama called Frosty and Frosty said (pretend hand is a phone, hold to ear)
"No more snowmen riding on that sled!" (say in a deep voice and shake head)
Repeat with 4, counting down until there are none.
Activity: Melt like a snowman
Kids dance and spin, "melting" to the floor when a flashlight shines on them
Craft: Make a snowglobe using kits from Oriental Trading