Theme: Arctic Animals
Book: The Penguin Who Wanted to Sparkle from Glitter Books
Flannelboard: Help decide where the arctic animals like seals, polar bears, and snow leopards live- in the water or on land?
Song: I'm a Little Penguin (to the tune of I'm a Little Teapot)
I'm a little penguin, black and white (hands at armpits to make wings, wobble back and forth)
Short and wobbly, an adorable sight (squat lower and wobble)
I can't fly at all (shake head like saying "no")
But I love to swim (make swimming motion through air)
So I'll waddle to the water and jump (jump high) right in!
Activity: balance a plastic egg on your feet and practice walking like a daddy penguin
Craft: make a picture of a polar bear using cotton balls