Theme: Valentine's Day
Book: One Zillion Valentines by Frank Modell
Song: I am your heart and I go beat, beat (clap hands on beat)
I pump blood while you're asleep (pretend to sleep).
I pump blood while you jump up and down (jump).
I pump blood while you run around (run in place).
I pump blood when you move your feed (march in place).
I pump blood as you tiptoe to your seat (tiptoe and sit down).
Activity: use a stethoscope to listen to heartbeats. What happens when you run or jump and when you sit quietly?
Flannelboard: H-E-A-R-T (to the tune of "Bingo")
There is a shape and it means love and heart is its name-o. H-e-a-r-t...
Craft: Make a mailbox for your valentines and deliver cards to your friends
Another favorite about love is Love You Forever by Robert Munsch. Enjoy this non-traditional story on Valentine's Day!