Story: Mrs. McMurphy’s Pumpkin by Rick Walton
Flannelboard: Five Little Pumpkins
Flannelboard: Five Little Pumpkins
"Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate (one arm held horizontally with other hand sitting on it, fingers pointing up).
The first one said, 'Oh my, it's getting late!' (hands to cheeks)
The second one said, 'There's a chill in the air!' (arms crossed on chest, pretend to shiver)
The third one said, 'But we don't care!' (arms out at sides, shake head sideways)
The fourth one said, 'Let's run and run and run' (pump arms at sides like running)
The fifth one said, 'We're ready for some fun!' (dance in place)
Then oooooohhhhh went the wind (wiggle fingers through air)
and OUT (clap) went the lights
and five little pumpkins rolled out of sight! (roll arms over each other)"
Flannelboard: "Carve" a Jack-o-Lantern using felt pieces
Activity: Try eating pumpkin seeds
Craft: Decorate a mini pumpkin
Activity: Try eating pumpkin seeds
Craft: Decorate a mini pumpkin