Theme: St. Patrick's Day
Book: Hooray for St. Patrick's Day by Joan Holub
Sign Language: review jump and hat, learn dance. Kids act out these actions when shown different signs.
Activity: play Who's the Leprechaun? One child is picked to stand in front of the group and close their eyes while another child gets a piece of "gold." All children hide their hands behind their back and the first child gets 3 guesses to figure out who's hiding the gold. The child who held the gold then gets to be the next guesser.
Song: talk about rainbows and sing "If Your Clothes Have Any Red," to the tune of "If You're Happy and You Know It"
If your clothes have any red, pat your head...
If you clothes have any yellow, touch your elbow...
If your clothes have any black, pat your back...
If your clothes have any brown, turn around...
If your clothes have any blue, touch your shoe...
If your clothes have any green, touch your knees...
Craft: tissue paper rainbows or
St. Patrick's Day hats