Rhyme Dice: Shake My Sillies Out and the letter "A"
Story: Officer Buckle and Gloria by Peggy Rathmann
Flannelboard: What’s an emergency: talk about different scenarios that warrant a call to 911 (lost toy vs. an injured parent, someone not sharing vs. a house fire)
Activity: Dial 911 Jump Game: numbers 0-9 are laminated and taped to the floor in the arrangement found on phones. Kids can jump on the numbers 911 or any other numbers to practice counting. They also practiced numbers with phones that had been unplugged.
Craft: Phone number craft found here. Write child's name at the top of the phone and write phone number in spaces provided below. Then have child cut out matching numbers and glue them over the ones you wrote. A good way to reinforce numbers and safety principles!
Next week we will be learning about fire safety to get ready for our visit from the Meade County Fire Protection District. Barring an emergency, they will be bringing the fire truck and firefighters to Story Hour on September 28th and 29th.