Rhyme Dice: Button Factory
"Hi, my name is Joe. I've got a wife and two kids and I work in a button factory. One day my boss came up to me and said 'Joe, are you busy?' I said 'No.' 'Then push the button with your right hand.'" Repeat with both hands, feet, head, etc. On final time, when the boss asks if he is busy, Joe yells YES!
Book: Curious George and the Dump Truck by Margaret and H.A. Rey
Sign language: hammer, nail, restaurant
Craft: The kids decorated cardboard construction hats and foam hammer bookmarks.
Activity: They used their new hammers to "build" a restaurant we will visit next week. An outline of the restaurant was drawn on butcher paper on the wall and they colored the picture and drew in things they thought the cafe should have. Kid-friendly tools were also available for them to play with. One of the big hits was styrofoam blocks they could drive plastic nails into. We also had fun measuring each other and playing with a 100' tape measurer.
Join us next week to visit the MCPL Cafe! Hear a story, make a "pizza," and enjoy a slice of the real thing!
Because Story Hour has experienced a growth in popularity, we will now be offering 2 programs a week to better fit your schedule. Starting on March 23, Story Hour will be held on Mondays in the Annex at 10:30 in addition to our regular time on Tuesdays. Hope this makes it easier for everyone!