Rhyme Dice: 5 Little Hot Dogs
Book: Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Willems
Sign Language: drive, stop, caution
Song: The Wheels on the Bus
Activity: Red Light, Green Light
Activity: Learn how to cross the street. Remember to:
"Think first! (finger taps head)
Stomp your feet (stomp feet)
Look to the left (point left)
Look to the right (point right)
Look to the left (point left)
and listen (hand to ear)."
If you don't hear or see any cars coming, look over your shoulder before walking across the street. If you hear a car, take a big step back from the side of the road and try this all again!
Craft: Create a stop light with paper plates. Make a hole on each side of 3 plates, tie together with string, and color!