Theme: Valentine's Day
Book: One Zillion Valentines by Frank Modell
Sign Language Words: heart, valentine, candy, flowers
Rhyme: I am your heart and I go beat, beat (clap hands on beat).
I pump blood while you’re asleep (pretend to sleep).
I pump blood when you jump up and down (jump).
I pump blood when you run around (run in place).
I pump blood when you move your feet (march in place).
I pump blood as you tiptoe to your seat.
Activity: Listen to your heartbeat with a stethoscope. Is it faster or slower after doing the action rhyme? Why do you think that is?
Craft: Make a mailbox for the valentines you will receive next week!
Next week we will be having a Valentine's Day party! We will read Love You Forever by Robert Munsch and talk about important people in our lives. Children are welcome to bring in treats to share with the group.