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Want to see the latest list of best sellers?
The New York Times has 10 lists of best sellers in categories such as advice, children's books, and nonfiction.
Interested in book-oriented blogs?
Booklover's Blog is a reader's advisory written by the staff of the Greensboro Public Library.
Grumpy Old Bookman is a blog from the UK about books and publishing.
Reader's Read has the latest book news, plus excerpts, best seller lists, and trends.
Get a librarian's point of view with The Shifted Librarian.
Do you enjoy social networking?
On Shelfari you can build a virtual bookshelf, see what your friends are reading, and discover new books.
Meet the world's largest book club! Catalog your collection, share reviews, and connect with readers who enjoy similar books on LibraryThing
Do you like free books?
If your child enjoys online children's books or if you are looking for the best in international online literature resources for children aged 3-13, you need to know about the International Children's Digital Library (ICDL). Billed as the "Biggest Online Children's Library," the ICDL was established in late 2002. By early 2007, there were 1,500 free children's books, written in 37 different languages, available online on the ICDL website. Plus you can start teaching your children about computers while getting them excited about reading!