Tuesday, October 14, 2008

October 14th Story Hour

In case you couldn't make it to this morning's story hour and would like to try our program at home with your kids, here is what we did today!
Story: We're Off to Find the Witch's House by Mr. Kreib. Read a review here.

Flannelboard: Make a face. The children helped us place eyes, nose, mouth, and a tongue in the correct places on a face.

Craft: Make a jack-o-lantern. Kids created their own face on a pumpkin cutout. Some were scary, some were silly, but they were all creative!

Activity: Play pin the nose on the pumpkin!

Hope to see you at next week's story hour on Tuesday October 21st at 10:30 in the MCPL Annex. Our theme will be Scarecrows!