Monday, February 8, 2010

2/9 Story Hour

Theme: Valentine's Day
Book: One Zillion Valentines by Frank Modell
Song: I am your heart and I go beat, beat (clap hands on beat)
I pump blood while you're asleep (pretend to sleep).
I pump blood while you jump up and down (jump).
I pump blood while you run around (run in place).
I pump blood when you move your feed (march in place).
I pump blood as you tiptoe to your seat (tiptoe and sit down).
Activity: use a stethoscope to listen to heartbeats. What happens when you run or jump and when you sit quietly?
Flannelboard: H-E-A-R-T (to the tune of "Bingo")
There is a shape and it means love and heart is its name-o. H-e-a-r-t...
Craft: Make a mailbox for your valentines and deliver cards to your friends

Another favorite about love is Love You Forever by Robert Munsch. Enjoy this non-traditional story on Valentine's Day!

2/1 Story Hour

Book: Snowmen at Night by Caralyn Buehner
Flannelboard: 5 Little Snowmen (to the tune of 5 Little Monkeys)
5 little snowmen riding on a sled (5 fingers sit on other hand which is out flat, palm down)
One fell off and bumped his head (pretend 1 finger falls off, rub head)
Mama called Frosty and Frosty said (pretend hand is a phone, hold to ear)
"No more snowmen riding on that sled!" (say in a deep voice and shake head)
Repeat with 4, counting down until there are none.
Activity: Melt like a snowman
Kids dance and spin, "melting" to the floor when a flashlight shines on them
Craft: Make a snowglobe using kits from Oriental Trading

1/25 Story Hour

Book: Snow by Uri Shulevitz
Flannelboard: 5 Little Snowflakes
One little snowflakes with nothing to do. Along came another and then there were two.
Two little snowflakes laughing with me. Along came another and then there were three.
Three little snowflakes looking for some more, Along came another and then there were four.
Four little snowflakes dancing a jive. Along came another and then there were five.
Five little snowflakes having so much fun. Out came the sun, and then there were none!
Activity: "Ice skate" with waxed paper. Put waxed paper under your feet and slide around on the carpet!
Craft: Practice scissor skills by making paper snowflakes. Use a square piece of paper, fold, cut, and then unfold to see your finished design.

1/11 Story Hour

Arctic Animals
Book: The Penguin Who Wanted to Sparkle from Glitter Books
Flannelboard: Help decide where the arctic animals like seals, polar bears, and snow leopards live- in the water or on land?
Song: I'm a Little Penguin (to the tune of I'm a Little Teapot)
I'm a little penguin, black and white (hands at armpits to make wings, wobble back and forth)
Short and wobbly, an adorable sight (squat lower and wobble)
I can't fly at all (shake head like saying "no")
But I love to swim (make swimming motion through air)
So I'll waddle to the water and jump (jump high) right in!
Activity: balance a plastic egg on your feet and practice walking like a daddy penguin
Craft: make a picture of a polar bear using cotton balls