This week we read books about leprechauns and all things green at our St. Patrick's Day celebration.
Books: That's What Leprechauns Do by Eve Bunting, The Luckiest St. Patrick's Day Ever by Teddy Slater, Jump! by Scott Fischer, Where is the Green Sheep? by Mem Fox
Craft: Pot of gold and rainbow craft (similar to
this one, only we used glue dots to stick "real" gold pieces on our pots, wrote our names on the pots in gold pen, and added a rainbow which the children colored)!
Activity: Try a green snack (shamrock cookies and apple juice with green food coloring) and watch Irish a clip of Irish dancers from Michael Flatley's Feet of Flames.
We also went on a gold hunt in the children's library! Everyone received a small pot for their gold. There were even a few chocolate coins mixed in as well. Those naughty leprechauns sure made a mess in the library, but the storytime children did a great job cleaning up after them!
Hope you all have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day and we'll see you next week as we start our animal unit.
Sláinte (cheers)!