This is Ms. Megan's last Story Hour before going on Maternity Leave. She will resume Monday/Tuesday programs on March 1st and hopes to bring baby Patrick by for a visit!
Theme: New Baby
Book: The Baby Shower by Eve Bunting
Song: to the tune of "Twinkle Twinkle"
Baby, baby wants a nap
Rock him gently in your lap (rock arms like holding baby)
Watch him as he falls asleep (pretend to sleep)
Quiet now, don't make a peep (finger to lips)
Baby, baby wants a nap
Rock him gently in your lap.
Activities: Guess how much Patrick will weigh and look at baby pictures
Craft: Water bottle rattles. Take an empty water plastic bottle and fill with beads, bells, or anything that makes noise. Cover top with fabric and tie on lots of ribbons to decorate.
Beginning on Monday January 11th, Story Hour will be held on Mondays only from 10:30-11:30. Come next week to hear Ms. Margaret read about arctic animals and make a furry polar bear!